
How to RHIZOME with Hooper Coward

June 11, 2024
Ren Reid
Star of stage and screen Hooper Coward has all the details on how to RHIZOME at the 2024 In the Soil Arts Festival

Standing with back to camera, turns around.  

NARRATOR: Oh hello there. Yep, it’s me, Hooper Coward, star of stage and screen. But I’m not here to talk to you about my latest picture. No, today I’m here to show you a vast and wonderful place. Now, how about we enlighten you with the future of artistic adventures. 

Cut to a new space in the HIVE. 

Now, I am speaking to you from inside the RHIZOMES Hive. 

What is a RHIZOME you ask? Well, RHIZOMES have historically been recognized as the flagship event of Suitcase in Point’s annual In the Soil Arts Festival. RHIZOMES are a collection of multi-arts events that take place in eclectic and unique locations across the city. 

This year they are taking place on - Friday from 7-10pm, on Saturday from 3-6pm AND in the evening from 8-11pm, and finally our last session takes place on Sunday from 3pm-6pm. 

Cut to: New setting. NARRATOR standing in front of a green screen with a photo of the HIVE in the background.

Text on screen: “STEP ONE: ARRIVE AT THE HIVE”


You’ll start your artistic adventure here (Beat) at the RHIZOMES Hive. Right here is where you will peruse and sign up for the RHIZOMES artists you want to watch, buy our fair festival merch, and grab a delicious drink whilst you wait. 

Performance sign ups are on a first-come, first-serve basis, whether you have a RHIZOMES pass, full festival pass or an individual ticket. 

The Hive opens half an hour before performances start, so we advise planning to get here as soon as you can to sign up. 


Once you arrive at the Hive, you’ll receive your patented participant card for that RHIZOMES session.

*Show participant card on screen*

If you plan on comin’ down to multiple RHIZOMES sessions, you’ll get a new card for each one. This card tells you all the RHIZOMES that are happening, their location, and how long it will take you to walk from the Hive to the location.


Now it’s time to choose your own RHIZOMES journey. You’ll see there are tables set up around the Hive. Each table contains a sign-up sheet for different RHIZOMES artists. The sign up sheet will indicate the specific performance times for said artist. 

*Show sign up sheet on screen*

There are a limited number of slots on each sign up sheet based on how many times that artist is able to perform during that particular RHIZOME session. There is also a limit as to how many people can attend each performance. Sign ups happen on a first come-first serve basis, so if you’re a’ gunnin’ for one particular RHIZOME, make sure to show up as early as you can!

If there are open slots on the sheet, you can put your name down. If there isn’t, you’re outta luck fella. 

Don’t forget, as you sign up for your RHIZOMES, mark it down on your participant card. Like so…


Text on screen: “STEP FOUR: Embark on your journey”

Based on the selections you’ve made on your participant card, venture off on your personalised RHIZOMES experience. If you have questions or need any help with mapping your journey, we’ll have RHIZOMES volunteers at the Hive and at the RHIZOME venues to help you. 

To camera. 

And now you can be a RHIZOME expert too by purchasing your RHIZOMES ticket today. Until next time, this is Hooper Coward saying good luck and happy trails.

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